Thursday, January 17, 2008

Question #1

I have 3 small children, self-employed, husband only home 3 times a week, house to clean and I'm EXHAUSTED! How do I find time (want to find time) to make sex NOT feel like one more chore?!?!?


Anonymous said...

Something that I have found helpful is to change my mindset about sex. From 'one more thing to do' to thinking that this is a good thing FOR me, too. When I think of it that way, I'm able to relax and enjoy the one-on-one time with my husband (mind you, this can't happen for me unless the kids are asleep). This one thing is one of the most important things that I can do for my marriage and my husband--and that helps me keep focused on the positive as well.

Anonymous said...

One thing that has really helped me is to realize that sex isn't just something he wants from me- I am the one person on this earth that God chose to filfill my husband's legitimate need. I am in essence ministering to him, if you will, and I am always blessed by it. It really helps if I take a minute and freshen up (putting a different outfit on, spraying some perfume or rubbing on some lotion, even just washing my face). This helps me transition from "Mommy" to "Honey", and he is very willing to give me those few minutes to myself, knowing how much more receptive I will be. And Always Pray(It's amazing how this changes my attitude somedays!).

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