Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Spring Fundraiser!

Sign-ups for appointment times will be at all of our MOPS meetings in February and March, or call Kirsten at 533-3767 to schedule a session!

The cost is $20 for your session and 8x10 of your choice (MOPS keeps $19!!!). If everyone participates and sells one session to a friend, we have the potential to make over $2000 for our MOPS group!

Our photographer, Diane Conn, is one of our MOPS moms! Check out her website at www.ConnPhotography.com! Thanks, Diane!

Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber- karpusfam@sbcglobal.net

Co-coordinator: Desiree- desdmiller@yahoo.com

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana - sonoradiana@sbcglobal.net

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) - m.freer@sbcglobal.net

Ruth - crpedro@pacbell.net

Linda -lgriebel@gmail.com

Tera -
