Monday, January 26, 2009

Next MOPS Mom's Night--Feb 6th!

*To read the fine print, click on the flyer and it'll pop up bigger for you!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to MOPS

Join us as we continue the 'Adventure' into our new semester this Thursday, January 8th! Our topic of 'Walking the Tightrope' seems like an appropriate title for dealing with our finances--especially in this economy! We look forward to seeing you after the holiday break and hearing what financial wisdom we can gleam from MOPS mom Kathy Kleinert and MOPS Mentor Ruth Pedro.

Just a side note--however much we want to see you and however much you'd like a MOPS break, please do not bring sniffles or coughs (or worse) into our little MOPPETS rooms. Icky kid sickness flies around this time of year and we need to do our best to keep our kiddos and our MOPPET workers healthy! Thanks!

MOPS '08 Christmas

January Mom's Night Out

Membership information

We work diligently to keep the cost of MOPS as low as possible while still providing a quality program with exceptional childcare. SBC generously provides for all our childcare needs and costs associated with the MOPPETS program, so we are able to keep our fees minimal at $25.00 a semester ($50.00 annually). This money helps cover meetings costs such as craft supplies, gifts, and MOPPETS worker appreciation gifts. Take advantage of the pre-registration event in August of each year to receive a $10 discount if you pay upfront for the whole year!

Your annual MOPS International Membership registration fee of $23.95 goes directly to MOPS International and will provide you with applicable ideas and encouragement through a 1 year subscription of the bi-monthly MOMSense Magazine, weekly Mom-E-Mails, and a variety of MOPS Publications, including our theme book for the year.

DO NOT let finances keep you from attending our MOPS group. Partial and full scholarships are available, as well as payment plans. Please speak with Joy, our Finance Coordinator, and be assured that all needs are kept confidential. You can find her at the front desk of each MOPS meeting or reach her by email at

What about Childcare--MOPPETS!!!

MOPS is for Moms, while MOPPETS is for kids!

During MOPS meetings, children from birth to five years old are cared for in the MOPPETS program, which is run by Sierra Bible Children's Ministries (free of charge!). Children enjoy a safe, clean and stimulating environment while moms enjoy the company of other mothers. MOPPET caregivers are fully screened by SBC and have a heart for kids. There is also a Family Registration Form that all moms must complete, along with taking a photo with your child(ren), in order to assure safe check in and out of the children’s facilities. All ages will be shown love by these wonderful caregivers, and children ages 2-5 enjoy age appropriate lessons, crafts, snacks and songs as well. Unfortunately, we cannot offer any accomodations for older children at this time.

Tips to remember:
  • Drop-off time is from 8:45 to 9:05 a.m.
  • Pick-up time is no later than 11:15 a.m.
  • Mark your children’s belongings with their names, i.e. bottles, bags, etc.
  • Inform the caregiver of any special needs for your child when signing in.
  • Refrain from bringing in sick children. Rashes, fevers, runny noses that are not clear, and diarrhea are just a few no-no’s. Just remember the ‘golden rule’—if you don’t want another mom to bring her sick kid, don’t bring yours either—no matter how bad you’d like a break!
  • Leave all personal toys at home.
  • If your child is in the infant or walker class (under 2), please bring a bag for him/her equipped with diapers, wipes, a labeled sippy cup or bottle, and any other comforting items such as a favorite toy, blanket, or pacifier.
  • Your child will remain in the same class throughout the entire MOPS year, regardless of when their birthday falls (i.e. if they start in the 2 year old class, they will remain there throughout the year, even if they turn 3 in January) unless the MOPPETS Coordinator requests a change to better accommodate the child or the classroom environment.

MOPS provides thank you and encouragement gifts throughout the year (from your semester dues) to each MOPPET worker, as well as an appreciation luncheon at the end of the year. Most of them are volunteers and just love to be with kids and support our sanity as moms! It would be great if you could take initiative throughout the year to show your appreciation to the teachers in your child/ren’s classroom as well.

When and where does SBC MOPS meet?

MOPS meets twice a month on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays mornings from 9:00am-11:00am (check out the side column for remaining meeting dates for the year).

Our Fall Session runs from September through December, and our Spring Session runs from January through May.

We meet at Sierra Bible Church, which is located at 15171 Tuolumne Road in Sonora, right across the street from Standard Ball Park. The church phone number is (209) 532-1381 and their website is Moms meet in the Family Life Center (FLC) which is the big building at the back of campus where church meets, children ages 2-5 are in Promisland classrooms, and babies and toddlers are in the nursery (next to FLC).

Come join us!

What happens at MOPS?

Finally there is a play group for moms! We focus on YOUR needs, while your children are being cared for by our loving caregivers. Our meetings are designed to provide you with opportunities to relax, make new friends, enjoy adult conversation, learn a new skill or craft, hear guest speakers, and be involved in group discussions on topics of interest to Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS).

We also are continuing our popular Playdates and Mom’s Night Out (MNO) activities this year! Playdates are designed to get us and our kids connected and out and about together for fun in the community. MNO's are to not only give us moms a much needed break from the kiddos (however, childcare will not be provided) but also provide some opportunities to develop deeper relationships with other moms. These events offer a great opportunity to widen your MOPS network by meeting moms who are not at your table during regular meetings and give us a carved out time to 'do life together'!

What is MOPS?

MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers and is an international organization that exists to encourage, equip, and help women become the best moms that they can be! Women who are pregnant or have young children (newborn through Kindergarten) are all invited to join MOPS!

MOPS is caring through:

  • A program designed for all mothers of preschoolers (conception through Kindergarten) and is coordinated by the mothers themselves.
  • An open, caring atmosphere where specific needs of today's preschool mothers are met.

MOPS is sharing in:

  • Small discussion groups where women interact, encourage and learn from one another.
  • A comfortable setting for social and spiritual enrichment for mother and child(ren).
  • The enjoyment of completing a craft with the opportunity for creative expression, a sense of accomplishment and deepening friendships.

MOPS is preparing through:

  • Building a sense of identity and personal worth.
  • Instruction relating to womanhood, childrearing, marriage and building a home based on biblical principles.
  • Social and creative opportunities for preschool children

Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber-

Co-coordinator: Desiree-

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana -

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) -

Ruth -


Tera -
