Thursday, April 22, 2010

Great meeting, ladies!! I loved all the great food and can't wait to put the recipe book together. I won't be finalizing the recipe book for another week or so, so if you forgot to email me your recipe (or weren't able to make it but would still like to contribute a yummy dish your family enjoys), please type it out and email it to me at by May 1.

I was also very inspired by Ruth's talk about the AROMA of the home and how we as mom's really can control how welcoming or stinky that is! The acrostic that Ruth provided was a really powerful way to remember the elements to make our homes a wonderful place to be...


I hope you were challenged in at least one area to make your house 'smell' a little better today for your loved ones. I know I was... I need to have a little bit more FUN in this house!!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's time for our Annual Recipe Exchange!
Thursday, April 22nd - During our regular MOPS Meeting
Come hungry and ready to stack your plate with new ideas!
Connect with your table leader to find out what portion of a meal (appetizer, side, main dish, dessert, etc.) you signed up for (or need to) and bring that dish, along with the recipe typed out. Also, please email your recipe to Kirsten at She will be taking pictures of the actual dish at the meeting and then compile all of the recipes into a recipe book you can use at home!
We will also be hearing from Mentor Mom, Ruth Pedro, about how as moms, we control the 'Atmospheric Pressure' of the home and how the aroma of our attitudes and words can really affect those around us. Are you stinky and don't even know it or are you a welcoming, beautiful perfume? What do you want to be?

Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber-

Co-coordinator: Desiree-

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana -

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) -

Ruth -


Tera -
