Friday, September 24, 2010

MNO at High Country Sports Arean

MOPS Mom's Night Out THIS SATURDAY! We are going rollerskating at High Country Sports Arena on Saturday, September 25 from 7pm - 9pm. The cost is $5.00 per person and includes your skate rental. High Country Sports Arena is located at 14934 Camage, in the Sierra Pacific Industrial Park near the TUD and PG&E offices. Bring a friend! If you possible, please RSVP/ send a reply to my email to let me know who is planning to come!

A few other MOPS Happenings:
September 30 (Thursday) - MOPPETS childcare training for moms willing to be on a rotating list to help in the nurseries during MOPS.
October 14 - MOPS - Guest Speaker Kathleen Ronald - Professional inspirational speaker
October 16 - Bling Extravaganza - Dinner and Fashion Show at SBC - call SBC for ticket info
October 24 - Trunk or Treat at Sierra Bible from 4pm-6pm - FREE!!
October 28 - MOPS

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

MOPS Meeting September 23

Next MOPS meeting is Thursday, September 23. Over the next three meetings, we will be focusing on how our personalities, life experiences, emotions, passions, and potential influence how we parent and who we are as a person. We will learn how to become moms who are resilient in time of change and challenge.

Details of our first MNO will be announced at the meeting.

Plan on joining us. We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MOPS Starts Thursday, September 9!!

School has started, the days are getting shorter, my kids have started their Christmas lists, it must be time for MOPS! FINALLY! Are you ready to spend some time with friends, enjoy a breakfast without sharing it, and flex your crafty muscles(even if they atrophied over the summer)?

MOPS begins Thursday September 9 at 9:00am. We meet at Sierra Bible Church in Sonora. You can check in your children beginning at 8:45am. Children ages two to five attend classes in Promiseland. The nurseries for children birth to two years old are in the main building, to the right of the entrance. There is a new computer check in system for the MOPPETS (children) program, so please be patient.

So what do we have in store for this year? The opportunity to develop your parenting skills, understand your role as a mother, laugh and cry with fellow moms, and build a friendship or two. And breakfast. The joy of the little things.

Please join us. We would love to see you there!

Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber-

Co-coordinator: Desiree-

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana -

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) -

Ruth -


Tera -
