Monday, March 21, 2011

To Kindergarten and Beyond!

Are you digging out of the snow? Enjoying a snow day off of school? Maybe you caught up on some letter writing, planned a birthday party, or pulled out the crafts for some rainy day fun!

MOPS is this week on Thursday, March 24! We will be focusing on kindergarten preparedness for our children and ourselves-that first day can be hard on a mom! Linda Griebel, one of our MOPS Mentor Moms and a former teacher, and some MOPS moms will be sharing their ideas and experiences. MOPS publishes a great book with ideas to help prepare your child with some necessary skills prior to kindergarten. We will be giving one away at the meeting!

Our next MOPS meeting is April 14. That is a two week break between meetings due to a fifth week in March. MOPS meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month!

Upcoming dates & reminders:

March 26 & 27 & April 2 - MOPS Portrait Fundraiser - Make sure to show up for your portrait session! If you can't remember or need to change appointments, email Carrie at

Thursday, April 14 - MOPS Meeting

Friday, April 15 - Twain Harte/CAL-FIRE Firehouse Field Trip! Meet at 10:00am at the Firehouse in Twain Harte. From Highway 108, take Twain Harte Drive into Twain Harte, turn left on Meadow Lane, just before the arch. Firehouse is near the golf course and the park. After the field trip, head to the park for play time and a picnic lunch.

Thursday, April 28 - MOPS Meeting

Don't forget about the MOMOLOGY Challenge!

We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

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Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber-

Co-coordinator: Desiree-

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana -

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) -

Ruth -


Tera -
