Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MOPS on Thursday, January 13

It has been too long since we've all seen each other. MOPS is this Thursday, January 13. Our guest speaker is Holly Britton, a former MOPS mom, a homeschooling mom, mom of teenagers, and an all around great woman. She will be speaking on managing our emotions and helping our kids to manage theirs. In an email to Holly, I wrote "helping our kids manage ours." Whoops!! No issues at my house! I will be paying close attention to all she shares!

If you haven't had your picture taken for the directory, please see me (Alicia) at the registration table. I will take a lovely picture of you but touchups are extra! If you have a new address, phone number or email, please email me the update or fill out the form at the registration table.

Just a reminder on sick kids - keep them home if they have had a fever in the past 24hours, have a green yucky nose or yucky coughs, have thrown up in the past 24 hours, or have a rash (diaper rashes don't count!)

Upcoming Dates:

MOPS - January 27, 9am

MOPS - February 10, 9am

MOPS - February 24, 9am

Moms' night out and Playdates will be announced

1 comment:

Apryle said...

Excited to hear the speaker and have some mommy moments with other Moms. See you tomorrow.

Your 2011-2012 Leadership Team


Co-coordinator: Amber- karpusfam@sbcglobal.net

Co-coordinator: Desiree- desdmiller@yahoo.com

Finance (registration, scholarships, fundraisers): Joanna -

Discussion Group Team Leader (table groups): Tanya-

Creative Activities: Diana - sonoradiana@sbcglobal.net

Table Leaders

Mentor Moms

Mary F. (Lead) - m.freer@sbcglobal.net

Ruth - crpedro@pacbell.net

Linda -lgriebel@gmail.com

Tera -
